Philippines time

Saturday, July 17, 2010

"Do not hold back" by Julianne Viani

"Do not hold back" by Julianne Viani

As I sit on this plane going on a mission's trip

I admit that I feel somewhat unfit

Preaching your simple Gospel message sounds easy enough

But it requires me getting past all my own "stuff"

It is not a time for me to feel insecure or hold back what's inside

You've planted great treasures in me that I don't want to hide

Help me not to look inward when I stand up in front of a crowd

Give me your spirit to sing and speak of you loud

When I look to you I know you'll give me the words I need

Use me Oh Lord to scatter seed after seed

Everywhere I go make the hearts of the people ready

Make my mind, body and soul steady

May your kingdom come in this nation and place

Do not let me leave without resembling YOUR face

It was never easy for me to go into a game

I have to look to you the same

You gave me peace on those days of big battles where my heart tingled with nerves

My natural man was inclined to swerve

When my lip began to quiver

It was at that time you did not allow me to even shiver

You put ice in my veins as I went through the lanes

When I was fragile and almost knocked off course

You gave me the strength of a mighty horse

In the same way, make me as sure footed as a deer

Do not let me give way to fear

Thank you that I can call nothing good "mine"

When I can't succeed without you, YOU can shine

It has protected me from becoming prideful in my own ways

And has kept me close to you in each of my days

So as I embark on something greater than myself

On wings of eagles lift me up with your help

Break the bread and fish, use me to feed the masses

And break ME as I go into the classes

The hungry and thirsty, come to Jesus and have LIFE

He will bring you to heaven and free you from strife

Not by anything you've done or tried

Jesus paid for it all when he died

Then when he rose he finished it all

So to hell we do not have to fall

Its already been paid for, it costed him his life

All's we have to do is receive Jesus Christ

So quit trying to earn your salvation

And rise up and turn to God oh ye nation

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